Ruth Scholarship

The RUTH SCHOLARSHIP is designed to be awarded for women ages 16-25, who have overcome adversity whether it be by breaking with their past, or have found themselves in a situation not unlike the young woman of the Old Testament story. The book of Ruth provides a wonderful picture of a young woman giving up all that is familiar to honor her mother-in-law—and ultimately God. Her sacrifice eventually placed her in the lineage of Christ and gave her a permanent place in history.
The ideal candidate for the Ruth Scholarship will be able to articulate how her own life models the story of a brave choice to overcome adversity or difficulty, and how she will use the experience to make a lasting contribution to the world around her.
Find the 2024 Ruth Scholarship application process here.

“May Adonai bless you, my daughter.
Your latest kindness is even greater
than your first..."- Ruth 3:10, CJB

"Then the women said to Naomi,
'Blessed be Adonai, who today
has provided you a redeemer!' "
-Ruth 4:14, CJB
David Scholarship

The DAVID SCHOLARSHIP is designed to be awarded for men ages 16-25, who have overcome adversity whether it be by conquering difficult life settings or finding themselves in a situation not unlike the young boy who would be king. Several books of the Old Testament unfold the story of David, the shepherd who picked up five smooth stones to slay a giant. Later, as jealousy and scandal surrounded him, David found himself on the run. But it was here that God shaped him into a man after His own heart. David authored a great number of the words we read today in the Psalms, the songbook of the Bible. As his legacy carried on, his direct lineage leads to the birth of the Messiah, carving a permanent place in history for a young boy who came in from the field simply because his father called him, not knowing what lay ahead.
The ideal candidate for the David Scholarship will be able to articulate how his own life models the poignant story of a warrior heart, sobering humility, and the courage to face his enemies and how he will use the experience to make a lasting contribution to the world around him. While it is not a pre-requisite, any student seeking education in music or the arts will receive special consideration for the David scholarship.
Find the 2024 David Scholarship application process here.
Naomi Scholarship

The NAOMI SCHOLARSHIP is for women over 40. The candidate for the Naomi scholarship might find that she, like the woman of the Old Testament story, has been presented with incredible adversity or is possibly coping with life events that she never saw coming. Yet, she doesn’t give up and presses on, seizing every opportunity and mentoring younger ones, sharing her wisdom to place people in incredible opportunities that have life-changing results.
Find the 2024 Naomi Scholarship application process here.

humans look at the outward appearance,
but Adonai looks at the heart."
- I Samuel 16:7, CJB